It’s amazing what one can learn in the off season, just by reading tired, bland baseball news. But read it I do. I  can’t help it. You see, friends, at the present there is no baseball. Sometimes, though, I feel like a pothead desperately (but skillfully) scraping residue out of the bong until the new hemp arrives

While reading during the doldrums, one learns a lot about the business side of baseball which goes from fascinating to pedestrian right about the time the winter tease sun arrives.  And eventually, all the baseball news runs out and people are left to argue about Pete Rose again.  That’s when you know the news cycle is gasping for air.  They don’t want to write it.  But they do.  You don’t want to read it- or the comments- but you do.

You can also learn a lot of weird health stuff.  Take Bone Chips, for example. It sounds like a failed Ben and Jerry’s ice cream flavor, doesn’t it?

THIS JUST IN: Giants pitcher Tim Hudson has bone chips. Can you BELIVE it? I read up on it all morning.


And there is only one thing sadder than a baseball junkie settling for stories about bone chips in lieu of watching an actual game.  Know what it is?

Reading about somebody reading about bone chips, that’s what.